
“Cyber and physical security threats put our major institutions, infrastructure and personal privacy at risk. A new relationship between government and the private sector, where most of the innovation and research is taking place, is key to mitigating these risks.”

– Martin Rust

The lines between national security and corporate and personal security are blurred today. Threats to intellectual property attack our ability to compete in the global marketplace while threats to a person’s identity or finances undermine our ability to protect ourselves as a society.

​We bridge the gap and work with policy makers to help find creative solutions. As a result, we are in a unique position that is supported by an understanding of the technologies employed by the international security and intelligence community. 

​Government is trying to protect information within its possession as well as trying to create an environment where it is safe for companies and individuals to conduct business. This is a truly daunting task that will require cooperation and input between government and private entities. We help our clients to engage in these important conversations and to have the opportunity to bring private sector innovation to the table.

​Having worked in multiple war zones and advised foreign and domestic governments and political actors in many other regions of the world, our consultants have a depth of knowledge and experience of security issues that is truly unique. This experience means that we look at things differently. We have an understanding of geopolitical landscape and global affairs and our network is extensive. As a result, we offer a different perspective on the forces at play and how they impact the marketplace.